Seeing a Psychic Tarot Reader
14 July 2023Meet Carmel-Anne – The Tarot Guild Australia
21 September 2023
Hierarchy explained
(22 cards) Major Arcana = significant life lessons and experiences – seen as more powerful and influential in our lives.
(56 cards) Minor Arcana = day to day life, everyday tasks and responsibilities – seen as the mundane, little things and nuances in our lives.
There are 4 suits, each with 14 cards per suit. Ace (one) to ten and then 4 court cards (Page, Knight, Queen and King). Each suit has an element.
- Cups (element water) these represent feelings, emotions, relationships (romantic, friends, family etc).
- Wands (element fire) these are physically based and are about motivation, passion, action, inspiration, creativity (I look at it as that spark and fire within us).
- Pentacles (element Earth) these are about finances, study, work and material possessions. To me, they are all matters earthly and everyday living, responsibilities and routines.
- Swords (element air) these are about our thoughts, communication, mentality, intellect, mindset and mental wellbeing.
Court cards can represent people and personalities in your life, maturity level and they can even imply you take on those qualities of that court card. To differentiate and interpret this, it does require more knowledge and experience (reading tarot).
Page – Can represent a child, an apprentice, or traits like immaturity, youthfulness, curiosity and learning.
Knight – a little more established than the Page, they are a little older and therefore seek action and adventure but can also be impulsive as they embark towards experience, knowledge, life, further learning, deeper exploring and maturity.
Queen – encompasses a feminine nature, caring, yet established, respected and proud. The Queen is intuitive, powerful in a feminine way and a wise leader.
King – the most accomplished of the court cards with the King on his thrown oozing power, leadership, authority and mastery.
We then look at the basic Numerology of 1 (ACE) to 10

Then we look at the pictures in the card and interpret what stands out to you the most, how and why it stands out. The colours, symbols, animals and anything else you see. The figures in the cards; are they facing towards the future present, or the past? Is there more than one figure? Are they facing each other? How are they interacting?
Let’s put this all together now! The Major Arcana is a little more difficult to interpret like this, so I recommend to lay all the (Major Arcana) cards in their numbered order and look at each card individually and then the story you see unfold as you scan from one card to the next.
With the minor arcana, let’s reflect on what we’ve learnt. We will do this using the Ace of Cups.

INTERPRETATION: Suit is a cup (which means the element is water). This card is about feelings, relationships and emotions. Could it be something new according to basic numerology? So, (together, using all the tips) is this a new relationship or friendship? Let’s look at the imagery; from the water, we look at being able to empty our cup, express emotions, to find peace (dove), happiness, but the sky is a touch grey, could this connection challenge us in a beautiful way that promotes growth? A new way of connecting with someone that brings us peace and happiness? Someone that welcomes us and we welcome them (the hand offering the cup, overflowing with affection.
And this is the most basic form of reading tarot. The more you practice the better you get and the stronger your intuition gets. There are many ways to read cards, I do highly recommend learning and practicing in a safe environment from a professional. Don’t rush! Challenging self-growth comes from exploring the world of the divine. Find a mentor or teacher and please practice as much as you can, always stating your level when offering free readings. Always act ethically and with high standards whether you are a beginner giving away readings or a professional charging for them.
If you are interested in studying tarot, please enquire through our Facebook, Email Instagram (@soulfullyguidedcarmelanne or Meet up
You can also join one of our complimentary one-hour classes where I explain this information in more detail. These are offered via our meetup events or Facebook events
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